Join us online for Easter like no other.
You are invited to an online Easter at Destiny Church.
This weekend we have organised a few Easter treats for you to enjoy from the comfort of your iso-bubble.
Ensure you have your bread and red juice on hand for an online communion service - this Friday at 7pm, with Bishop.
Due to the timing of COVID-19, there is no live Easter production. However, this year we will be streaming a replay of one of our favourite past productions! Can you guess which one?
Grab some snacks, get comfy and watch our Easter Production with your family on Saturday night.
Bishop will continue to bring the word directly into your homes, live from 10am on Sunday morning, but please feel free to join us earlier, for preservice.
Streaming will be available to view these special services on our website and Facebook.

Good Friday 10th April
7PM Communion
Saturday 11th April
7PM Easter Production

Resurrection Sunday 12th April
10AM Service
Easter Activities for the Kids
What does Easter mean to you?
Dress your window, or post a sign on your front lawn and share the true meaning of Easter with your neighbourhood.
Or maybe you could create a poem, drawing, song or perform a short play!
Keep your eyes peeled on Sunday, where we have a Virtual Easter Egg hunt for you during our online Sunday Morning Service. Count how many easter eggs pop up on your screen, go live on Facebook with your guess, get it right, and be in to win an Easter Pack!
Post on your parents social channels your creative expressions, we would love to see them all!
We have also provided a few free pdf activities for the kids quietly to enjoy as well.
Please enjoy this Easter Wordsearch, Word Scramble and a Crossword puzzles this weekend!