Service Times:
Sundays 10.00 Am And 6:300 PM

We’re here to assist in any way we can to see you find God in a deeper way & to become all that God wants you to become & to receive from Him all that He has for you, which will enable you to be a success in life.
Destiny Church Nelson is a Church under the vision of our Apostle, Bishop Brian & Ps Hannah Tamaki. We’re a modern Church, active seven days per week in & around the sanctuary & in the community.
casting out demons & setting people free from addictions & destructive habits.tooWe have two dynamic, power packed meetings on each Sunday at 10am & 6.30pm here at 75 Pascoe St, Tahunanui, which sets people up for success at the start of each week. Where the Word of God is presented in power every week. People share testimonies of what God has done in their lives, of how He has turned them around from being suicidal, or of healing them from serious illnesses, or how He enabled them to be a success in their marriages, parenting to owning their own business. We see the supernatural power of God touching people’s lives every week from healing people battling illnesses,
of chips & a can of ‘V’, etc and enjoy the company of hundreds of people from all walks of life.pottle you can go through into our café where you can relax with a latte & a cake, or a meetingThen at the end of each
We have many mid-week PH12 groups meeting in different people’s homes throughout the Nelson area. Where good friendships are developed & people begin to support one another in spiritual & practical ways, from praying for each other’s needs, to helping with things like moving house.
We also have many courses geared to assist people to be a success in every area of their lives happening consistently, from subjects such as parenting, marriage, anger management, life skills. And Bible courses from foundational, right through to leadership studies, from which people are released into ministry.
full onWe have the Movement Youth program happening on Friday nights, an exciting, program for year 9 students through to 25yr olds. Where the youth have a wild time as well as they are presented with a youth relevant message that’s geared to assist them through what can often be a turbulent stage of life.
We also have groups & events tailored for men, ladies, single parents happening regularly.
Our gym is pumping most days of the week, with our Cross fit & Box fit classes & our touch rugby & netball teams. The gym has its own boxing ring, two giant swings, its own climbing wall and a huge screen for movies.
We also have ‘The Depot Trust’s’ T.O.A. After School & Holiday programmes running out of the complex, with the staff all being members of Destiny Nelson. An exciting program for 5yr olds through to 14yr olds, which do pick-ups from all the schools in the Nelson area. The kids on arrival are given an afternoon tea & then assisted with their homework & then released to have a fun time in the gym. Because T.O.A. has use of the Churches 5 vans, on their Holiday programme they are able to do snow trips in the winter to the ski fields & able to go to the world famous Kaiteriteri beach & the many crystal clear rivers around Nelson to go swimming in the summer.
There’s so much happening every day of the week I haven’t got the space to mention it all here. I know if you came along, you wouldn’t be disappointed with what you experience God doing through us in our community on a daily basis.
We look forward to meeting you!
Kind regards & God’s richest blessings
Martin Daly